Duh. How's that for emotion?
What they're planning to do won't come cheap.
"But social psychologists ... have begun to study political behavior using such specialized tools as sophisticated psychological tests and brain scans."
Emotions are great motivators which is why skillful speakers use them to manipulate the masses. When people succumb to emotions they stop thinking rationally. Wait.. that's too kind. When people succumb to emotions they stop thinking. Period. If people thought instead of felt Muslims wouldn't suicide-bomb themselves and everyone around them into the after life. If people thought instead of felt they wouldn't burn homes and loot shops whenever their favorite team won a championship, or lost a championship, or a referee's call or jury verdict didn't go their way. If people thought instead of felt they wouldn't be so easily herded into mobs and lead to slaughter. Moooo!
As valuable as emotions may be for getting things started that might not otherwise (like the American Revolution) there are some things better left un-started. Like suicide bombs, looting, burning, overturning police cars, or voting for Democrats (note to self: consider removing Democrats to avoid rousing emotions). Emotions eventually wear off (except in the Middle East) but after they lift us from our easy chairs into action logic and reasoning sustain us.
Already we know the majority of college students don't understand credit card offers and their cognitive skills are sinking. Is it any wonder many American's can't reason their way politically and must resort to feelings? All they have left to guide them through life is their feelings. We've substituted self-esteem for self discipline. Individual responsibility, once a hallmark of the American psyche, has been supplanted with entitlements and civil suits. And moral relativism is more appealing than accountability because everyone's OK when measured by relativism's individualized yardsticks. Do American's really want Dr. Phil and Oprah as political consultants or worse -- candidates?
Social psychologists should save their (read: our) money and time and study something that truly escapes logic: If everyone did it before and still does it, why is everyone upset at Britney Spears?